No Excuse for Child Abuse: Supporting Child Neglect Awareness

Children who have been abused or neglected are remaining silent in communities across the country. The problem is significant, but how terrible is it? Every eight minutes, a child in Texas is subjected to some sort of abuse or neglect.


It is our top priority at Balke Insurance Agency to do everything we can to give the voiceless a voice. We want to confront this issue head-on as champions for the safety and well-being of our community’s most vulnerable neighbors, so over the next three months, we will be supporting Child Advocates in their quest to speak up for abused children who have been lost in the system and guide them to safety.

Child Advocates is a non-profit organization that organizes court-appointed volunteers to act as eyes and ears for foster children in their care while they are in custody. These volunteers take on the role of one child or sibling group at a time, ensuring that their specific needs are satisfied until they can safely return home or be cared for by a family member. Their activism ensures that no child is forgotten. These cycles of abuse may be broken with their help, and children can grow up to be productive and caring adults in safe circumstances.

You can be involved in a variety of ways. Volunteers and donations are extremely important in meeting the needs of at-risk youngsters. If you refer your friends, family, and coworkers to us for an insurance quotation, we’ll donate $10 to each of them! All referrals received during our Community Cause campaign will result in donations that are to be used to assist and improve our community.

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE


(713) 227-1567

4151 SW Freeway, Ste. 395 | Houston, TX 77027