Motorcycle Insurance

Introduction to Motorcycle Insurance

Good motorcycle insurance is designed to financially protect motorbike riders of a myriad of vehicle types, from the typical motorcycle and street bikes to motocross, mopeds and more. It also extends protections to passengers and others on the road. Most states mandate that motorcycle owners obtain coverage if they have a bike that is larger than 50ccs. Owners of motorcycles are well-advised to purchase this insurance to protect themselves from liability issues arising from accidents and from the financial losses due to theft, vandalism and other events and actions.

Motorcycle insurance is not really different from most other kinds of insurance. It is most like automobile insurance as it comes with a monthly premium, a deductible, and, when utilized, a benefit amount. Should an accident happen, the policyholder calls it in and then will pay his or her deductible prior to the insurance company paying out for the loss. There is a range of types of motorcycle coverage including liability, collision, comprehensive, and medical payment coverage. Liability coverage safeguards the policyholder should he or she be deemed at fault for an accident. Liability is what pays for damages to another individual (physical, bodily damage) or property, while collision coverage compensates for the costs of repair or replacement of your motorcycle, regardless of fault. Comprehensive is what pays out to a policyholder for losses to a motorcycle that falls outside of an accident on the road. Examples include vandalism, theft, severe weather, and more. Comprehensive coverage is often referred to as OTC coverage. (“Other Than Collision”) Though motorcycle insurance is often required by law, it is important to consider obtaining this coverage fully so as to financially safeguard your bike and yourself for the unexpected.

(713) 227-1567

4151 SW Freeway, Ste. 395 | Houston, TX 77027