Sydney Foster

I’m a small-town girl, born and raised in the cozy community of Celeste, Texas, where our population barely reached 900. It was the kind of place where everyone knew everyone else, fostering a strong sense of connection and familiarity.

For the past three years, I’ve immersed myself in the insurance industry. It’s a field I’m deeply passionate about, as it enables me to offer valuable advice on safeguarding the fruits of people’s lifelong efforts. Over time, I’ve had the privilege of crossing paths with some truly unforgettable individuals within this industry.

Being entrusted with the responsibility of providing guidance to people on how to comprehensively protect their hard-earned assets fills me with a sense of pride. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that others turn to me for answers and trust in the accuracy of my advice.

When it comes to my family and my kids, I’m an open book; once I start talking about them, it’s hard to get me to stop. And then there’s my lifelong love affair with video games, which has yet to wane. I find joy and comfort in spending quality time with my family, whether it’s snuggled up while watching a horror movie or indulging in a video game marathon.

(713) 227-1567

4151 SW Freeway, Ste. 395 | Houston, TX 77027